

This blog is intended as personal notes for stuff I forget and need to re-look up from time to time.I used to keep notes on my workstation or laptop or employer provided blog etc, however I find that I tend not to bother taking a copy when I change employers and then have to start again.
This blog is an attempt to make my notes more portable.

The blog is Linux oriented, but will probably, over time, include a bit of other Unices/OSX at times and maybe some storage and/or windows.

I'm a sys admin by trade, so my orientation is server side and network.
Desktops, laptops devices and user apps are not my thing and you probably won't find much that relates to them here and I'm a diehard CLI guy, so I can't help you with X.

I've been working with unices for 20 years and Linux for much of that time starting around Redhat Linux 3 (that's Redhat Linux, not RHEL)

I'd be really happy if someone other than me finds the notes useful and I'd be happy for people to comment or ask for clarifications or ask questions on material not covered. 
I really enjoy helping people out with linux server stuff and Unix more generally.

That said, if you ask a question I'll expect that you've some familiarity and you've done your own basic research (or are willing to pay my hourly rate or offer me a fulltime gig). 

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